Building a Bare Metal Kubernetes Cluster – Part 3 – Service Mesh, HTTPS Certificates and Ingress

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series, I demonstrated how to build and install a bare metal Kubernetes cluster on the Hetzner Cloud platform. In this post I am going to demonstrate how to take the cluster to the next level and get a deployed component onto the cluster with ingress traffic routed to the component.

The big picture

The above image demonstrates my intentions with the architecture of the cluster. This can be further described as follows:

  • External user will navigate to a public domain.
  • The public domain will be secured with a HTTPS certificate.
  • DNS will direct the traffic from the public domain to a load balancer.
  • The load balancer will route the HTTPS traffic to an ingress controller.
  • The ingress controller will terminate the SSL traffic and route the HTTP traffic to a service.
  • The service will route the HTTP traffic to the pod that is running the application.

A service mesh will also be used to secure the internal cluster communication by using TLS. This is important as we are terminating the HTTPS traffic at the ingress controller.

Service Mesh

There are several choices when it comes to implementing a service mesh on Kubernetes. One of the most popular choices is Istio which is widely used and provides some great features such as Kiali. However, I have opted to use LinkerD as I find it is far simpler to setup and much less opinionated. Furthermore, the documentation and support ecosystem for LinkerD is superb.

Another deciding factor in choosing LinkerD is that in my initial evaluation of the different service mesh technologies on offer, I found that Istio would not support ACME HTTPS certificates whereas LinkerD will. This may have changed more recently but I have stuck with LinkerD as I like the experience of using it.

Installing LinkerD is simple, install the CLI by following the documentation and the run the following command:

linkerd install | kubectl apply -f -

There are other options for installation such as a Helm chart which would be used for real world deployments. Once LinkerD has been installed, you should see the pods running within your cluster. E.g.

LinkerD has various components that you can choose to install and expose such as a Dashboard and Grafana. I am not going to cover these features here but they are well documented on the LinkerD website.


Cert-Manager will allow us to automatically generate, and renew, HTTPS certificates for our public facing services. This process is known as ACME and you can read about it in the documentation.

To enable this functionality, we must install Cert-Manager onto our cluster. You can use the following Helm command to do this:

helm repo add cert-manager
helm repo update

helm install cert-manager cert-manager/cert-manager \
    --version v1.7.0 \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --create-namespace \
    --set installCRDs=true \
    --set 'extraArgs={--dns01-recursive-nameservers-only,--dns01-recursive-nameservers=\,}'

The last set of arguments are important for enabling ACME to work correctly with Hetzner. The Hetzner Cert-Manager Webhook (see below) will use a DNS challenge when generating certificates. These arguments allow the DNS names to be resolved correctly. The following articles explain this in more detail:

Sometimes the problem is DNS (on Hetzner) (

DNS01 | cert-manager

After the above Helm command has been executed, you should see the cert-manager pods running in the cluster.

Cert-Manager Hetzner Webhook

Before we install the webhook, we must create a secret that enables the webhook to talk to the Hetzner DNS. It is important to note that for the webhook to work correctly, your domain needs to be managed by Hetzner DNS.

Create the following secret, replacing the api-key with one generated from the Hetzner DNS Console. You also need to Base64 encode the key:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: hetzner-secret
  namespace: cert-manager
type: Opaque
  api-key: <<YOUR API KEY>>

We also need to create a ClusterIssuer resource which will be responsible for generating the certificates. In the following example the letsencrypt-staging provider is used. For production, you can replace this with letsencrypt-prod.

kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-staging
    # The ACME server URL
    # For production, use

    # Email address used for ACME registration

    # Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key
      name: letsencrypt-staging

      - dns01:
            # This group needs to be configured when installing the helm package, otherwise the webhook won't have permission to create an ACME challenge for this API group.
            groupName: acme.yourdomain.tld
            solverName: hetzner
              secretName: hetzner-secret
              zoneName: # Replace with your domain

We can now install the webhook using the following helm command, replacing your domain name:

helm repo add cert-manager-webhook-hetzner
helm repo update

helm install cert-manager-webhook-hetzner cert-manager-webhook-hetzner/cert-manager-webhook-hetzner \
    --namespace cert-manager \

Once the Helm command has been executed, you should now see the webhook pod running in the cluster:

Ingress Controller

There are several choices when it comes to Ingress Controllers, some examples include Nginx, Istio and Kong. I have opted to use Kong as it is open source and simple to setup and configure. Furthermore, there are lots of plugins available to enhance functionality.

When installing Kong, provided we have specified the correct configuration, a new Load Balancer will be created on the Hetzner Cloud platform. Create a new file named kongvalues.yaml with the following content:

  daemonset: true
  installCRDs: false
  externalTrafficPolicy: Local
  annotations: setup-example nbg1 "lb11" "true" "false" "true"
podAnnotations: 8443

We must specify that Kong should be installed as a deamonset rather than a standard deployment. This ensures that the load balancer can perform health checks on all nodes within the cluster.

The pod annotation for LinkerD specifies that traffic on port 8443 should not go through the LinkerD proxy. Traffic will be incorrectly routed without this setting.

In my setup I am using an instance of Kong per environment. For example, I will be using namespaces for each environment; DEV and UAT. This means that a load balancer will be created per environment. The following command is used to install Kong into each environment:

helm install kong-dev kong/kong \
    --namespace myproject-dev \
    --create-namespace \
    -f kongvalues.yaml

Once the Helm command has been successfully executed, you should see the Kong pods running in the cluster. Notice the pod count, I have two nodes in this example:

If you check back in the Hetzner Cloud console, you should also see a newly created load balancer:

We can see from the above that the Health Status is healthy. This is because we installed Kong as a daemonset. If you omit this configuration, the health status will be “Mixed” as only one node will be reporting itself as healthy. We can see further details of the health check, although in this example there is just a single node:

We can also see the corresponding load balancer type service running on our Kubernetes cluster:

Deploying a Component

The final piece of the puzzle is to deploy a component that joins all of these features together. For my purposes, I have a React Application that is built and packaged via a Azure DevOps pipeline. The artifacts generated by the build are a Helm Chart and a Docker Image. I use Azure Container Registry to host these artifacts but you could equally use DockerHub or similar. This component will be referred to as presentation-main.

I am not going to detail everything about my component and the build process here, instead I am just going to focus on the important parts.


For Kong and LinkerD to work together correctly we must use some KongPlugins to transform the request and response. You can read about why this is necessary here. The following two plugins need creating:

kind: KongPlugin
  name: presentation-main-linkerd-request-header
  namespace: myproject-dev
plugin: request-transformer
    - l5-dst-override:presentation-main.myproject-dev.svc.cluster.local
kind: KongPlugin
  name: presentation-main-linkerd-response-header
  namespace: myproject-dev
    headers: []
plugin: response-transformer


An Ingress needs to be created to handle traffic from the load balancer and distribute it to services in the cluster. The following ingress will instruct Cert-Manager to create certificates for the hosts specified. I also add an annotation to force any calls to HTTP to be redirected to HTTPS. Once traffic is received by the ingress, the HTTPS traffic is terminated and passed onto the relevant service on port 80.

NOTE – You must handle the domain to public IP address mapping as a prerequisite. It is up to you to create the A records for your domain that point to the public IP address of the load balancer.

kind: Ingress
  name: presentation-main
  namespace: myproject-dev
  annotations: "letsencrypt-prod" presentation-main-linkerd-request-header,presentation-main-linkerd-response-header "true"
    environment: dev
    component: ingress
  ingressClassName: kong
  - hosts:
    secretName: presentation-main-cert-dev
  - host:
      - path: "/"
        pathType: Prefix
            name: presentation-main
              number: 80
  - host:
      - path: "/"
        pathType: Prefix
            name: presentation-main
              number: 80


Traffic from the ingress will be routed to a service with the name presentation-main on port 80. This service is defined as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: presentation-main
  namespace: myproject-dev
    environment: dev
    component: presentation-main
    - name: http
      port: 80
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 80
        app: presentation-main


The service above will handle traffic and forward it onto a pod with the app value of presentation-main and use port 80. The deployment resource below will create that pod within the cluster:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    namespace: myproject-dev
    name: presentation-main
            app: presentation-main
    replicas: 1
                app: presentation-main
                environment: dev
                component: presentation-main
                - name: presentation-main
                  image: <<URL OF CONTAINER LIBRARY AND VERSION>>
                  imagePullPolicy: Always
                  - containerPort: 80
                  - configMapRef:
                        name: presentation-main                     
              - name: docker-cfg

Once all of these resources have been created, we can view them within the cluster:

We can also see the generated HTTPS certificates:

If we navigate to our site, HTTPS redirection will be enabled and the HTTPS certificate will be valid. The certificate will automatically renew every 90 days.


By using Hetzner’s cloud and DNS offerings I hope that you have seen that it is possible to build a cost effective Kubernetes cluster in the cloud. We can utilise technologies such as Service Mesh, Ingress and HTTPS Certificate generation to provide a really neat solution.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog series and that it helps you on your journey to building your own Kubernetes cluster. At the time of writing, there was no single place that explained these concepts and took me days of research and trial and error to get everything working together correctly. I would love to hear your comments below and will do my best to answer any questions you may have.

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  1. For me it is not working at all. Also there are many missed steps in your tutorial. Please review. Thanks!

    1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

      Sorry to hear this! Can you be more specific as to what problem you are facing? I’ve had a couple of colleagues run through the steps with no problems. Have you followed everything from Part 1 onwards?

      1. In my case only internal certs get issued from localhost. I see in your example you don’t run the mandatory DNS01 provider conformance testing suite, see in section “Running the test suite”. In my case this fails with many errors. Then also, I don’t see that you create the certificate like in under section “Create a certificate”. Maybe all of this is not needed. Ok. Still I followed exectly like you wrote, but left out the service mesh and the kong plugins for your service mesh. I don’t need, nor want a service mesh in my install and it is besides the point of getting this Hetzner LB play pingpong with an ingress controller. Maybe the order of steps is important, unsure what’s going on, but certmanager issues local certificates and my browser does not like them at all.

        1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

          Ok, regarding the DNS01 test suite, I believe that is something the authors of a provider would use to ensure it conforms with the web hook correctly. I am simply consuming the Hetzner DNS resolver.

          In terms of omitting the service mesh, that should be fine. That is correct in that I do not create a certificate manually. I am using the ACME process to auto generate and auto renew certificates. Presumably you are using kong? The important step on the ingress is to annotate with the cluster issuer. E.g. ` “letsencrypt-prod”`. You also need to make sure that you have the ingressClassName set correctly. E.g. `ingressClassName: kong`.

          Getting this all running was very fiddly so I feel your pain. The order of steps is important.

          1. Thanks for your reply. So, if it is possible to get it running for your setup, it will be running for the rest of us too. In case I don’t want a unique LB per namespace, could I install kong just into default namespace, would it be able to discover my deployments in the other namespaces?

          2. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

            You’d have to check the kong config, I use a namespace per environment so have a kong installation / load balancer per namespsace.

  2. Something else I noticed, is this backslash after the port 53 intentional ?

    –set ‘extraArgs={–dns01-recursive-nameservers-only,–dns01-recursive-nameservers=\,}’


    1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

      Yes, it is.

  3. Yet another thing I noticed, you use cert-manager/cert-manager helm repo, but I think it ought to be jetstack/cert-manager.

    1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

      This is correct, once you have run a `helm repo add` command, that is the correct name of the chart.

  4. Last entry for now, I see I have 2 webhooks in cert-manager namespace:

    pod/cert-manager-webhook-577f77586f-r6rvh 1/1 Running 0 48s
    pod/cert-manager-webhook-hetzner-559bb66cd6-b7txt 1/1 Running 0 29m

    Do you think it is a problem? Which webhook wlil be used, I am not familiar with the logic of Kubernetes here.


    1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

      This is correct and is shown in the screen shot. One is the cert-manager webhook, the other is the hetzner DNS resolver webhook

  5. I should mention I am running Calicio as overlay network, which is required in Hetzner to circumvent the Hostnetwork issues of Hetzner. Doesn’t this also mean that the webhook needs to run in hostNetwork mode and have a distinct port? Just something I read in the values.yaml of jetstack/cert-manager chart.

    1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

      I have no idea about calico setup, as the post says, I am using flannel. You would need to do some separate research into Calico.

      1. Are you going to correct the errors I found in your blog post?

        1. Dave (DCSE Limited) says:

          I responded to your points above, I don’t feel that there are any errors. It has worked fine for several other people who have followed all the steps. I think in your case you have differences to the method I used which is why you may think there are errors. I mentioned before that this is a fiddley process with not a huge amount of documentation. I am sure my solution is just one of many possible configurations. I wish you luck with your solution.

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